This course allowed me to open up my mind more in regards to UDL and AT. Especially with Katie Novak's Dinner Party activity and Tood Rose's 'Myth of Average' outlook. They both emphasis the importance of UDL for all students and their exceptionalities. Following a frame of UDL in the classroom allows students to succeed and their own pace and learn how they need to learn, without being left behind. The stories shared with us of Tyler, Jake and Matthew show us the important for UDL, AT and presumed comptency for all students. AT doesn't always have to be high tech and expensive. Sometime it's the simple low tech items that can allows us to make connections with our students. The amount of resources shown to us during this course is amazing. Having access to these resource will help me as a teacher, but will be beneficial to my students and their families. Plus, most of these resources are free which is always a great feature as schools and families have bud...
Some takeaways from our last class: 1. Unite for Literacy website is an impressive site that is free and excellent for early and beginning readers. It includes great features, like narration. Each book can be read aloud to the reader. But the reader may find it tricky to follow along to the words as the words are not highlighted as they are read aloud. Another feature is the selection of languages the stories can be read it. This makes me think of the early french learners in our school system. I know some teachers find it challenging to find good french resources, but look no further, this is a great one to use! Another great feature is the broad categories of topics, and the use of realistic pictures in the stories. There is sure to be a topic every student will like on this site. ...