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Class #4 Take Aways

Some takeaways from our last class:
1. Unite for Literacy website is an impressive site that is free and excellent for early and beginning readers. It includes great features, like narration. Each book can be read aloud to the reader. But the reader may find it tricky to follow along to the words as the words are not highlighted as they are read aloud. Another feature is the selection of languages the stories can be read it. This makes me think of the early french learners in our school system. I know some teachers find it challenging to find good french resources, but look no further, this is a great one to use! Another great feature is the broad categories of topics, and the use of realistic pictures in the stories. There is sure to be a topic every student will like on this site.

                                                     A Website Primary Teachers Will Love | Adventures in Literacy Land 
2. Our Menti reflection for this class allowed us to really reflect on the past few months of our new teaching reality.
  • One positive reflection of COVID teaching and learning- during the past few months we have adapted to a virtual world of online teaching and learning. Although our school board put together a website of resources for families, teachers were given the innovative stepping stone to create a platform for connect to their students in an unusual way during these uncertain times. Staying connected to our students and families was a very important step during these times. 
  • One barrier you faced when teaching online during COVID- one barrier was ensuring all students had internet and computer access to stay connected. 
3. Student Case Studies- Jake's Story
Jake's story is incredible. From going to focusing on developing functional skills to communication skills is a big step, but Jake was ready for it! A main factor in his success is the people working with him, his mother and consistent home care providers. Starting with light-tech communication systems, Jake is able to make steps towards means of communication in his first session. As Jake progresses through light-tech systems he continues to gain success in his means of communication. In just a few short years Jake is using two-switch step scanning, and alphabet flip chart with with partner assistance to communicate what he wants to write. Jake's story is just one example of how effective different types of technology can help students succeed.


  1. Unite For Literacy is an excellent resource for us to share with our students and parents. The option for the books to be shared in a variety of languages is so welcoming in our culturally diverse classrooms. As you mentioned, our French students, too, will have the opportunity to avail of another great literacy resource. The variety of resources available to us and them will strengthen our UDL environment.


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